DC DMV Mobile App:
Adapting Web Features for an Efficient App Experience
The District of Columbia’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DC DMV) had an existing web platform that allowed residents to access key services online. To improve accessibility and user convenience, they launched a mobile app. In the second phase of development, additional features needed to be integrated to ensure a seamless transition from web to mobile.
The objective was to adapt DC DMV’s existing web services for a mobile-first experience while maintaining consistency with the established UI and component library. The transition needed to be intuitive, ensuring users could efficiently complete tasks such as renewing licenses, paying tickets, and managing vehicle registrations.
My Role
As a UX designer, my primary focus was optimizing the user experience by ensuring a seamless transition of web based services to a mobile environment. I worked on adapting existing functionalities to fit mobile usability standards while maintaining consistency with the established UI and component library. My role involved refining user flows, enhancing navigation for an intuitive experience, and ensuring accessibility for a diverse range of users.
To enhance the user experience when transitioning DMV DC’s vehicle registration process from web to mobile, I redesigned the flow by breaking it into separate, easy-to-follow screens. This approach ensures users can complete each step with clarity, reducing cognitive load. I also implemented a breadcrumb navigation system, allowing users to visualize their progress and understand where they are in the process at all times. This structured approach makes the registration process more intuitive and user-friendly on mobile devices.
Key Contributions
I worked on refining and integrating the following features:
Digital Driver License: Allowing users to access a secure, digital version of their license.
Renew Driver License & ID Card: Streamlining the renewal process with a step-by-step guided experience.
Paying Tickets: Enabling quick and secure online payments for traffic violations.
Tag Surrender: Simplifying the process for users to return their license plates.
Renew Digital Registration: Providing a frictionless way to renew vehicle registrations digitally.